Did you know?
Racism led to the belief that Endometriosis only develops in white career women who delay childbirth.
The Endometriosis Summit writes: “Structural racism and implicit bias permeates many institutions throughout America, devastating the lives of African Americans.”
EndoBlack writes: “Years of little research have caused medical professionals to believe that only “white women” can be diagnosed with endometriosis. Medical research must be expanded to be more inclusive to African American women and women of color. ”
EndoFound writes: “Unfortunately, the consequences of this myth continue to this day. Today, Black, Indigineous, and POC individuals face more barriers to receiving proper endo diagnosis and treatment.”
Endometriosis.org writes: “…the early endometriosis research that characterised endometriosis patients as affluent, nulliparous women, may contribute to unconscious diagnostic biases and stereotypes.”
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